UCAT Keyboard Shortcuts
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Ahead of the 2022 UCAT ANZ, Pearson has made a couple of changes to the content and structure of the exam.
For more information on the changes, get in touch with MedView today.
In 2022, candidates will have one more minute to answer questions. This means on average candidates will have about 41.5 seconds to answer each Quantitative Reasoning question as opposed to 40 seconds previously.
There is no change to the number of questions in this section.
Students shouldn’t make changes to their timing strategy for this section, rather use this ‘extra time’ to go back and double-check their answers in this section.
Be mindful that this section has always been a high scoring section and the additional time may mean the questions are a little harder than in previous exams.
In 2022, this section will have 5 fewer questions, with one less minute to answer them. The change in the number of questions is proportional to the change in time, so the average time to answer a question still remains at 14 seconds per question.
The five questions removed from Abstract Reasoning are Set A / B / N unit questions, which is the most common type of question in this section.
In terms of preparing, this shouldn’t change a students approach or preparation strategy for this section.
Changes to the Situational Judgement section are the most significant change in this exam this year. Firstly, the number of questions has been reduced by 3. There is no change to the timing of this section which means overall students get on average one more second per question.
Secondly, there is a new type of question introduced to the exam, which will probably be more time-consuming than others in this section.
This new type of question is a variation of the standard Situational Judgement questions. Instead of students having 4 answer options to Appropriateness and Importance questions, there are now 2 options.
Options Available Previously | Options Available Now |
A very appropriate thing to do | Appropriate |
Appropriate, but not ideal | Not appropriate |
Inappropriate, but not awful | |
A very appropriate thing to do |
There is also a change to the format of the new Situational Judgement questions. They will be presented in a ‘drag and drop’ format. So candidates will need to drag and drop their answer next to the response to decide if the statements are appropriate/not appropriate or important/not important.
Instead of having one statement per question and deciding if it is appropriate/not appropriate or important/not important, candidates will now have three statements per question.
Making this section a lot more time-consuming than previously.
Students should prepare in advance and make sure they are comfortable and have adapted their preparation and timing strategy to accommodate this change.
Here at MedView, we offer UCAT workshops that replicate the actual exam, 3000+ practice questions and exams with progress tracking and 1:1 private tutoring to make sure you have the speed, skill and knowledge to ace this exam. You can book a free consultation with one of our Academic Advisors to learn more about how MedView can help you today!